Theworldofslimboyfat’s Blog

Just another weblog

i live for these moments

I was sat here before after doing some training, no tv on, just the hum of the fridge and the sound of our two puppies,honey and ruby dreaming away, the odd gentle woof from ruby as she dreams, its so gentle it makes us laugh everytime, her little cheeks puff out, and out pops this woof that wouldnt even put a butterfly off course, AND then it happens, I slowly drift to sleep waking from time to time but hearing only silence, its like i have no worries,no stress,just at peace with myself and the world, the kind of feeling you get when on holiday, sat looking at the sea as the night draws in, the gentle lapping of the water and the sunset, all mixed in with the two greek beers you have just drank,not enough to get you kiddy, just enough to let this calm wash over you, you forget about work and the mortgage, and if the house is safe, and you just feel at peace, thats what i had for 2 hours today, wish it was everyday, but then if it was, i would never enjoy it when it came around so heres to being at peace hip hip hooray

private studmffin 🙂

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  i live for these moments wrote @

[…] Original post by theworldofslimboyfat […]

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